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Benfotiamine | CAS 22457-89-2
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Buy Benfotiamine 99.9%, buy bulk quantity Benfotiamine from professional Benfotiamine suppliers, buy Benfotiamine top quality from China factory, manufacturers, distributors etc. If you need to buy Benfotiamine, please feel free to contact sales17@tnjchem.com

Physical Property

White crystal or white crystalline powder. Insoluble in water and methanol, insoluble in ethanol, insoluble in ether and chloroform. Soluble in sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, slightly soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid solution.

Appearance: White crystal or white crystalline powder
Identification: Positive
Clarity and color of solution: Clear and colorless
Chloride: ≤0.053%
Sulfate: ≤0.011%
Heavy metals: ≤ 20ppm
Benzoic acid : Not detectable
Thiamine: ≤ 0.1%
Loss on drying: ≤ 1.50%
Assay : ≥ 98.0%



1. Benfotiamine is used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin B1 deficiency; 
2. For vitamin B1 demand increase, with inadequate intake from foods supplies (fatigue, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, lactation, during strenuous manual labor, etc.);
3. Benfotiamine is used in the treatment of non alcoholic wernicke encephalopathy;
4. To treat beriberi; 

5. Used in the following diseases, speculation and vitamin B1 deficiency and metabolic disorders associated with treatment, such as: neuralgia; Muscle pain, joint pain; Peripheral neuritis, peripheral nerve palsy; Myocardial metabolic disorders; Constipation and other gastrointestinal motor function obstacle.


A.Iis used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin B1 deficiency; 

B. For vitamin B1 demand increase, with inadequate intake from foods supplies (fatigue, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, lactation, during strenuous manual labor, etc.);

C. Is used in the treatment of non alcoholic wernicke encephalopathy;

D. To treat beriberi; 

E. Used in the following diseases, speculation and vitamin B1 deficiency and metabolic disorders associated with treatment, such as: neuralgia; Muscle pain, joint pain; Peripheral neuritis, peripheral nerve palsy; Myocardial metabolic disorders; Constipation and other gastrointestinal motor function obstacle.


25kg per fiber drum

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      Benfotiamine | CAS 22457-89-2
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