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CAS 112-27-6, Triethylene glycol suppliers price
  • CAS:

  • Alias:

    TEG 99.5%MIN
  • Fórmula molecular:

  • Padrão de qualidade:

    99.5% Min
  • Da embalagem:

  • :

    Anhui, China
  • Ordem mininmum:

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  • Manufacturer:

    TNJ Chemical

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  • Detalhes do produto
  • SDS
  • TDS
  • Reference COA

TNJ Chemical provides CAS 112-27-6 Triethylene glycol suppliers, manufacturers inventory, and collects technology information on CAS 112-27-6 from different Triethylene glycol suppliers. If you want to buy Triethylene glycol, please feel free to contact sales@tnjchem.com

Triethylene glycol TEG (CAS 112-27-6) is a member of a homologous series of dihydroxy alcohols.It is a colorless,odorless and stable liquid with high viscosity and a high boiling point. Apart from its use as a raw material in the manufacture and synthesis of other products,TEG is known for its hygroscopic quality and its ability to dehumidify fluids.This liquid is miscible with water,and at a pressure of 101.325 kPa has a boiling point of 286.5 degrees Celsius and a freezing point of -7 degrees C.It is also soluble in ethanol,acetone, acetic acid, glycerine,pyridine, aldehydes ; slightly soluble in diethyl ether; and insoluble in oil,fat and most hydrocarbons.



Appearance                                  Clear liquid

Triethylene Glycol,Wt %                99.50 min
Water,Wt%                                  0.10 max
Color(APHA)                                 25 max
Specific Gravity(20/20℃)              1.12-1.13
Acidity,Wt ppm                             100 max
Ash,Wt ppm                                 100 max


TEG is used by the oil and gas industry to "dehydrate" natural gas.It may also be used to dehydrate other gases,
including CO2,H2S,and other oxygenated gases.It is necessary to dry natural gas to a certain point,
as humidity in natural gas can cause pipelines to freeze,and create other problems for endusers of the natural gas.



225kg/drum, 18mt/20''container


Placed in sealed container and kept in a cool and dry place.

Avoid strong vibration, insolation, high temperature, smoke and fire.

Technical Date Sheet TDS of Triethylene glycol TEG CAS 112-27-6


Basic information

Chemical name: Triethylene glycol

Synonyms: TEG

CAS.No.: 112-27-6

EINECS No.: 203-953-2

Molecular weight: 150.17

Physical properties

Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid

Density,20C,g/cm3:  1.109

Boiling point, C: 288

Melting point, C: -7

Flash point, C: 165.6


Appearance:  Colourless transparent

Triethylene Glycol,Wt %:  99.50 min

Water, Wt%:  0.10 max

Color (APHA):  25 max

Specific Gravity (20/20C):  1.122- 1.124

Acidity, Wt ppm:  /

Ash,% (m/m):  ≤0.01



TEG used in Gas Dehydration etc oil & gas industries,solvent,extraction agent and drying agent.

Packing, Storage and Transportation

225kg/drum, 18mt per 20’ft;

It belongs to common goods, always refer to MSDS.

Keep tightyl closed, store in a cool dry place.
Please refer to the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the handling methods.

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us.However, In no event shall we be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party resultingfrom its use.

Issue Date: 1st,12,2016

Product name

Triethylene glycol

Batch No .


CAS . No .



225 . 00kg /drum

M. F.


MFG date

Dec . 05,  2023

N. W.

18, 000 . 00kg

Analysis  date

Dec . 05,  2023

G. W.

19 , 440 . 00kg

Expiry date

Dec . 04 ,  2025




Testing  Results


Colorless clear liquid


Triethylene Glycol, Wt %

≥ 99 . 50

99 . 55

Water, Wt%

≤ 0 . 10

0 . 040


≤ 25


Specific Gravity(20/20C)

1 . 122 - 1 . 124

1 . 1234

Acidity, Wt ppm

≤ 100


Ash, Wt ppm

≤ 100

3 . 22

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      CAS 112-27-6, Triethylene glycol suppliers price
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