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CAS 479-66-3 suppliers
CAS 479-66-3
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    BFA95%, BFA 90%, BFA 85%, BFA75%
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    TNJ Chemical

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TNJ Chemical provides database on CAS 479-66-3, including chemical name, synonyms, structure, formula, application etc,  and also offers price quotation on CAS 479-66-3different grades. If you want to buy 479-66-3, please feel free to contact sales@tnjchem.com

Fulvic Acid (CAS 479-66-3) is short carbon chain molecule extracted from the natural humic acid or natural plantOur fulvic acid is extracted from plant. It is also called Biochemical Fulvic Acid (BFA). We offer BFA95%, BFA 85%, BFA75%.

Its main characteristic is excellent solubility in water and even in fertilizer and pesticide solution. So it can mainly act as plant growth stimulator, soil structure enhancer and improver for effect of fertilizer and pesticide.

It can be very effectively applied to not only agricultural and horticultural plants but also golf courses.


Items                        BFA75%                           BFA85%                            BFA95%             

Appearance               Brown yellow powder         Brown yellow powder          Brown yellow powder

Fulvic Acid , %           ≥75.00                               ≥85.00                               ≥95.00

Water, %                   3.00 ~ 7.00                        3.00 ~ 7.00                        3.00 ~ 7.00

Solubility, %              ≥99.00                               ≥99.00                                ≥99.00 

Water insoluble, %    0.20 ~ 0.50                        0.20 ~ 0.50                        0.20 ~ 0.50

PH value                    4.00 ~ 7.00                        5.00 ~ 6.00                        5.00 ~ 6.00


1. Enhances the up take of nutrition.  

2. Promote quicker seed germination and faster root and shoot growth; 

3. Provide a valuable source of carbon for soil microorganisms;

4. Stimulate enzymic systems in plants to increase plant respiration;

5. Improve moisture retention in plants and Anti-drought

6. Prevent and cure plant pathema.

7. Stimulate the plant micro-biological activity

8. Slowly release fertilizer.

9. Improve effective of fertilizer and pesticides.

10. Improve soil structure.

11. Promote residue decomposition.


25kg/bag,15mt/20’FCL no pallet. 12mt/20’FCL palletized

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