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CAS 791-28-6 suppliers
CAS 791-28-6
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    TNJ Chemical

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TNJ Chemical provides database on CAS 791-28-6, including chemical name, synonyms, structure, formula, application etc,  and also offers price quotation on CAS 791-28-6 different grades. If you want to buy 791-28-6, please feel free to contact sales@tnjchem.com


Physical Information

Appearance                  White or light yellow crystalline powder
Density                        1.212g/cm3
Melting Point                150-157℃
Boiling point                 360℃
Flashing point              180℃
Solubility                     Soluble in alcohol and benzene, insoluble in petroleum ether, slightly soluble in hot water


Appearance                  White or light yellow crystalline powder
Assay                           ≥99.00%
Melting point                155.00 ~ 157.00℃
Residue on ignition        ≤0.50%
Loss on drying              ≤0.50%


1) Organic synthesis intermediates.
2) Pharmaceutical intermediates.
3) Catalyst.
4) Extracting agent.


1) 25kg/kraft paper bag, 14-15mt per 20'ft containers

2) 25kg/fiber drum, 12-14mt per 20'ft containers

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      CAS 791-28-6
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