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Buy Yellow Phosphorus at suppliers price
Yellow Phosphorus
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    10 Tons
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    TNJ Chemical

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Where to  buy Yellow Phosphorus from China top Yellow Phosphorus suppliers and manufacturers at best price? TNJ offers reasonable Yellow Phosphorus price. To buy Yellow Phosphorus from TNJ Chemical is your best option. For more information, please feel free to contact sales@tnjchem.com


Yellow Phosphorus, also known as white Phosphorus CAS 12185-10-3 is a white or light yellowish semitransparent waxy solid. Yellow Phosphorus appears light green color in the dark environment. It is insoluble in water and slightly soluble in benzene and chloroform and easily soluble in Carbon disulphide. It has a wide application such as for the production of many phosphorous organic or inorganic chemical material including food additive and technical material. It is an important material used in military purpose.


Purity(P4)           99.9% min.

As                       150-180 ppm max.

S                         50 ppm max.



For military purpose, Yellow Phosphorus is used to produce smoke bombs and firebombs, etc.

For chemical industry, Yellow Phosphorus is an important raw material for the production of red Phosphorus and. It is also used to produce other related goods such as STPP, and TSP and AMP etc.
Its toxicity is also used to produce rodenticide.



1.Type one: IMO approved galvanized iron drm Volume: 150L Weight: 22.5KG/Drum Cargo N.W: 200KG, G.W: 250KG Container load: 16.8MT - 19.2MT packed in one 20’GP 

2.Type two: ISO-Tank container Volume: 14300L, 17500L Weight: 4000KG/Tank Caro N.W: 21.5MT – 22MT/Tank, G.W: 25.5MT – 26MT/Tank

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      Yellow Phosphorus
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